"If I could cause these thoughts to come, to stand on this paper, I could read what I mean. May I? May I?" --Karen Peris

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

An Open Letter to Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth for MA
PO Box 290568
Boston, MA 02129

September 19, 2012

Dear Ms. Warren:

In one recent campaign ad, you said, "We're still fighting to protect a woman's right to choose." You are a good person, so I am assuming that rather than advocating for this right at the expense of human lives, you must honestly believe that an unborn child is not a human being. Do you realize that it was this kind of thinking that persuaded the proponents of slavery and the Holocaust?

In John Ensor's book, Answering the Call: Saving Innocent Lives, One Woman at a Time, and I was struck by this comparison:

          "Abortion simply cannot involve the murder of a living
          human being. Our self-image precludes it. This is why
          it took hundreds of years and a civil war to face what
          is now clear to everyone. The people who defended
          slavery saw themselves as good people who would
          never hurt or abuse another person. Therefore, their
          slaves must not be persons, or at least not 'full'
          persons as they are."

You also stated, "We're still fighting to protect a woman's right to choose nearly forty years after Roe v. Wade, and we could be just one Supreme Court justice away from losing it." Yet Martin Luther King, Jr., wrote nearly fifty years ago from Birmingham City Jail, "We should never forget that everything Adolf Hitler did in Germany was 'legal.'"

Finally, you asked, "How could this be happening in 2012?"

Indeed, Ms. Warren, indeed.


Carilyn Flynn

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