Friends, what kind of car do you drive?
Because I'm thinking if I have a list of "friends cars" in my head (please be specific: color/make/model/bumper stickers/state of registration), instead of being mad at a driver (in a red/Honda/Civic/with a Red Sox bumper sticker/and Massachusetts plates) who cuts me off on the highway (we're in a construction area for crying out loud!), I can wave and say, "After you, my friend!"
This would replace my terribly bad habit of calling the driver of such a car one of my preferred names such as douche or loser. For a time, I would try to interrupt myself and say, "Do---" or "Lo--". It wasn't long before I began singing the syllables to the melody of the Sting song: "Do, do, do; lo, lo, lo..."
Can you help me sing a new song?